Yone ADC ? (Ranked SoloQ) - Video

Sneaky's first game of Yone...

Since this is a newly released champion, I am assuming a significant portion of viewers are completely clueless on this champion. The first 1:31 of the video is a basic rundown of Yone and his abilities.

Note Sneaky did try him out in the Practice Tool for ~10 minutes prior to playing him.

Footage from: August 7, 2020

▼ Editor


▼ Time Stamps

[0:00] Rundown of Yone's Abilities
[1:30] Yone ADC - SoloQ
[15:55] Sneaky's current thought on Yone

▼ Editor's Added Music

[Start] Super Meat Boy - Forest Funk (Chapter 1 - Light World)
[End] Secret of Mana (SNES) - The Color of the Summer Sky

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