xddBased (LCS 2023 CoStreams | Summer Split | W4D2) - Video

FLY Prince has an interesting game ✱ Blaber's 10W-0L Maokai ✱ Discussing Lethality Tristana ✱ Sneaky & Meteos' unique ideas involving Turret displacement abilities & Jhin buffs ✱ APA makes his LCS debut as TL's new mid-laner

LCS Co-Streams with Sneaky and Meteos
LCS 2023 | Summer Split | Week 4 Day 2
Summer Split Day 11
Patch 13.13

Special thanks to Riot Games for allowing the Co-Streams (LCS Watch Party)

Footage from July 6, 2023

▼ Editor


▼ Time Stamps

[0:00:00] Game 1: FLY vs GG
- [0:10:15] Podcast: Thoughts on Flyquest
[0:22:56] Game 2: C9 vs DIG
- [0:29:11] Podcast: Combo'ing Tristana's [E] and [R] on the enemy tank to AoE nuke their backline
- [0:32:08] Podcast: 2 idiots discussing their stupid ideas
[0:38:42] Game 3: TSM vs NRG
[0:49:52] Game 4: EG vs 100
[1:00:53] Game 5: TL vs IMT

▼ Editor's Added Music

[Start] Donkey Kong Country (SNES) - Simian Segue
[End] Donkey Kong Country (SNES) - Cranky's Theme

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Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/Sneaky
Twitch: https://www.Twitch.tv/SneakyLoL

#LCS2023 #CoStream #LCSWatchParty
C9 Sneaky
lol, league of legends, sneakylol
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