theScore esports Podcast: Weldon Green on EU vs NA teams, Team Liquid's disappointing split - Video

2:23: Weldon Green on his work with G2
4:36: On his new coaching website
10:13: Green on imports and NA's lack of home-grown talent
14:35: On Origen's issues and player-first approach
17:17: On NA vs. EU infrastructure
20:24: Green talks Team Liquid's recent relegation scares
26:34: Esports vs. traditional sports players on dealing with loss
30:25: Why Doublelift is so good at post-game interviews
35:46: Why the term "lifecoach" is a trigger
38:14: Why team houses work

Ever wonder what goes through a player's mind after a crushing loss? theScore esports Podcast had G2 coach Weldon Green to talk about pro mentality, the importance of team houses, and Team Liquid's downward split spiral.
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