Climb to Master with this Comp! | KaiSa Reroll Guide Teamfight Tactics Set 8 #shorts - Video

KaiSa Reroll is one of the best team comps in TFT Set 8. You need to know how to play KaiSa in Teamfight Tactics if you want to climb.

Unlike other AP units you can easily flex between because they run Blue Buff or Shojin, Kai’Sa prefers attack speed items like Guinsoo’s and Statik Shiv. So while you still want to start with an AP item, you need to commit to her more than you would other units. You can also slam more flexible items on her that she still likes such as Giant Slayer and JG to keep your options open. If you are able to make Ionic Spark, you can skip on Statikk Shiv and build a third damage item on her. Your board when you reroll at level 7 should look something like this, and at levels 8 and 9 you can choose to add Ezreal and Ashe for Recon, or Jinx for Anima Squad and Prankster. Some positioning tips to keep in mind for this comp are to keep your Ionic Spark on the same side of the board as Kai’Sa, to make sure Nilah is between your other units and not on the edge to optimize her healing circle and you can play redemption on her because of her positioning. If you are adding Jinx, you should frontline her to take advantage of the Prankster dummy. You usually want to itemize Riven as your tank, and spare AD items go on Vayne.
TFT - Teamfight Tactics
tft set 8, tft guide, teamfight tactics
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